LAURENS DISTRICT 55 Preparatory Academy



Pursuant to state law, persons entering school property are deemed to have consented to a search of their persons and property.

(Act 373 of 1994)

Laurens School District 55 reserves the right to conduct random searches for illegal substances such as drugs, ammunition, weapons, etc.

Searches can involve the use of canines and School Resource Officers (SROs).

The punishments listed under each offense represent possible punishments for violation of disciplinary regulations. The administrative staff has the authority to resolve any situation which is not addressed under these regulations or which has extenuating circumstances. 

The administrators reserve the right to make the final school-level decisions for all discipline cases.

Teachers may have rules for their individual classrooms. These rules will not conflict with school rules.

Any conduct that may be detrimental to the general welfare and operation of the school will result in either suspension or expulsion and may warrant charges by law enforcement. No student has the right to prevent another student from getting an education.

Students are expected to be dressed, to be groomed, and otherwise conduct themselves in such a way not to distract or cause disruption in the educational program or orderly operation of the school. Personal appearance and conduct of students should promote health and safety and contribute to a climate conducive to teaching and learning.

● Bare feet are not permitted. No bedroom shoes.

● Heavy chains or rings that resemble brass knuckles will not be allowed.

● Midriffs, backless, or see-through clothing will not be allowed.

● Pants must be worn at the waist and undergarments not visible. Wear a belt if necessary.

  • Holes of any kind in skirts or pants that reveal skin 3 inches above the knee will not be allowed.

● Hats, headgear, or bandanas are not to be worn inside the building with the exception of        face masks required for protection during the COVID-19 pandemic.

● Shorts, skirts, or dresses more than 3 inches above the knee length will not be allowed.

● Bike shorts, bike pants, leggings, or other tight-fitting clothing as outerwear will not be allowed. Tops worn with these must be no shorter than fingertip length.

● Tank tops without a shirt or blouse, and low tops will not be allowed. 

  • Sleeveless blouses must cover at least 3 inches of the shoulder area.

  • Protective masks must be solid black/white or medical issue, and must not have writing or messages of any kind displayed. 

● Unusual body piercings that are disruptive to the order of the school, or are a distraction to         the learning environment will not be allowed.

● Blankets are not to be used at school as student coverings.

Administrators will be responsible for determining violations of the discipline/code of conduct policy ( including dress code) and making final judgments on the appropriateness of a student’s clothing, appearance, and/or display of symbols, messages, or statements on school grounds. Furthermore, administrators reserve the right to prohibit students from displaying any symbols, messages or statements which lead to or may foreseeably result in the disruption of or interference with the school environment.

Off-campus crimes can result in the assignment of OSS or expulsion. Any school sanctioned activity is considered an extension of the school day. All school rules apply.

LPA students are not permitted to attend events on any other campuses within the district unless authorized by the principal/director of the sponsoring school/district building. 


Disobedience: Willfully not obeying the directions of a teacher or support staff member.

Fighting: Physical contact between 2 or more individuals which may require others not involved in the conflict to separate or resolve.

Hazing: A student will not become or remain a member of any group of persons when he or she knows or should know that such group is engaging in or preparing to engage in any activity prohibited by the rules of the school.  Each member of such a group will be presumed to be individually responsible for the acts of the group. For the purposes of this provision, no person will be considered a member of a group unless he or she is physically present in the company of other persons composing the group and, by his or her presence, dress or acts, encourages, aids, or participates in the conduct of the group. This district prohibits conduct that includes initiations, hazing, intimidation or related activities of such group affiliations that are likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to students.

Instigating a fight: Threatening, harassing, intimidating, arguing with or provoking another student including through electronic means.

Insubordination/Defiance: Willfully disobeying the directions of an administrator.

Misconduct: Any behavior that is disruptive or prevents other students from learning.

Self-defense: Self-defense is defined as protection of one’s person against bodily injury. There must be no means of escape or flight to avoid a physical altercation. Fighting back prohibits a student from using self-defense as an excuse for fighting. Students should report all threats to an administrator. This does not automatically allow a student to fight back without consequences.

Tardy to class: Not being in the classroom when the tardy bell rings.

Unassigned Area: Not being a designated area or an area for which the student has staff permission.

Unauthorized or Off-Limits area: Being in an area off-limits to students


When the behavior of any student becomes disruptive and requires the application of disciplinary measures, the following due process

steps are to be followed:

❏ Confront the student with complete description of the disruptive behavior.

❏ Allow the student an opportunity to react to the charges by telling his/her side of the story.

❏ Apprise the student of the reason for the disciplinary action. If suspension is required, the student should be informed of the length, dates or duration, and the fact that he or she has the right to appeal the suspension.

❏ Provide the student’s parents a letter of notification for any assigned OSS. The letter must specify the reasons for the suspension, dates, length of suspension, and notice of the right to appeal. Present the student with a copy of the letter of notification and ask the student to give it to his/her parents. A complete file of each student’s disciplinary record shall be maintained.


Suspensions - Any student who is suspended from school will have the right to appeal the suspension in accordance with the following procedure. If the suspension is imposed by the assistant director or acting administrator, the director will conduct the initial appeal. Any student who is dissatisfied with the director’s decision shall have the right to appeal to the superintendent or his/her designee. In the case of a suspension which is imposed by the director, the appeal shall be to the superintendent or his/her designee. This decision shall be final.

Expulsions - Expulsion is the removal of a student from a school for the remainder of the school year or until readmitted by the board.

Authority to expel students from school rests solely with the board. The board delegates the initial authority to hear and decide recommendations for expulsion to the superintendent. The superintendent delegates the responsibility of conducting hearings to the district hearing officer. The hearing officer may be overruled by the superintendent. Unless an appeal is made by the student, the decision of the hearing officer or superintendent expelling a student is final, and no further action is necessary.

The board will expel any student who brings a weapon to school. The expulsion will be for the duration of twelve months unless modified by the superintendent. For Purposes of this policy, a weapon means a firearm. The term firearm is defined extensively in the U.S. Code.


Bullying, harassment, and intimidation is defined as a gesture, electronic communication, or a written, verbal, physical or sexual act reasonably perceived to have the effect of either of the following:

❏ Harming a student physically or emotionally or damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of personal harm or property damage.

❏ Insulting Or demeaning student or group of students causing substantial disruption, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school.

Consequences and appropriate remedial actions for a student who commits one or more acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying or who is found to have falsely accused another person as a means of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may range from restorative behavioral interventions/contracts with parent conferences up to and including suspension or expulsion. Harassment and bullying can include texting, e-mail, phone calls, Facebook, Instagram, chat rooms, Snap Chat, Twitter, Vine, any type of social media, etc., that takes place on or off-campus and creates a significant disruption of school activities.


If a student commits certain offenses involving assault and battery on school grounds or at a school-sponsored event against a person affiliated with a school in an official capacity, school officials will contact law enforcement authorities.


Classroom referral-consequence means the teacher assigns a punishment (lunch detention, room    cleanup, parent notification or any other acceptable punishment) and documents as a classroom referral which may progressively lead to an administrative referral. 

 PC-Parent Conference

 LD- Lunch Detention

 OCI- out-of-class intervention


A student who receives 5 OSS days within a 45-day contract with LPA will not be recommended to return to his/her home school at the end of their LPA assignment. Nevertheless, the home school principal will make the final decision. Furthermore, a student who receives 10 days OSS within a semester will not be recommended to return to the home school unless the homeschool principal agrees to allow the student to return. 


Behavioral misconduct is defined as those activities engaged in by student(s) which tend to impede orderly classroom procedures or instructional activities, orderly operation of the school, or the frequency or seriousness of which interrupt the classroom or school. The provisions of this regulation apply not only to within-school activities, but also to student conduct on school bus transportation vehicles and during school-sponsored activities. ** (4th offenses may be considered Insubordination) **








Disobedience (270) Describe this in detail Including but Not limited to: 

Cell Phones-- 

ECD HEADPHONES OR EARBUDS, GAMES, ETC (Use includes checking time.) 

Class Cutting (150) (160) (170) occurs when a student is on campus but does not attend one or more classes.

Block OCI

Classroom Referral 


Parent Notification



Call and OCI during block of class during which the offense occurred 


Parent Notification


OCI by period & Parent Notification Contract agreeing not to bring items on campus for the remainder of the 

school year. Violation will result in OSS. *4th violation and above will be considered insubordination (330) (270) 


Parent Notification

School Cutting (170) occurs when the student leaves the school grounds without attending class or does not come to school (without obtaining parent permission)


Parent Notification


Parent Notification


Parent Notification, possibly a behavior contract

Dishonesty (006) Describe this in detail. 

Classroom Referral 

LD or OCI 


Disrespect (420) Describe this in detail. 

Classroom Referral 

LD, OCI, or OSS 

Up to 3 days 

Intervention: Behavior Contract

LD, OCI (by class block), or OSS 

Up to 10 days 

and/or RE

Disrupting Class/Misconduct 

Describe this in detail. (007)

LD or OCI 

Block OCI 

Block OCI or OSS

Dress Code Violation (280) - 

OCI-placed until dress violations corrected



Food/Drink In Non-Designated Areas (002) 

Classroom Referral 



Forgery (011) Level I on an unofficial document such as a parent signature on a test. 

Law Enforcement may be notified.


Up to 3 days



Up to 3 days

Inappropriate Display of Affection (015) (022) Be sure both parties have referrals.




In Off Limit Area (200) 

Be sure to explain where the student was given permission to go (if permission is granted), as well as the off-limit area.

LD or OCI or OSS or Intervention Plan



Up to 3 days

In Unassigned Area/Hall Pass Violation (410) Be sure to explain where the student was given permission to go (if permission is granted), as well as the unassigned area.

LD or OCI 

Intervention to clarify the 


LD or OCI 


Leaving Class Without Permission (320) 

LD or OCI 

LD or OCI  


Loitering (240) Be sure to include the time and place. 

*Students must be off campus by 4:30 or with a supervising adult.




No show to Administrative Lunch Detention (005) 




No Show to Teacher Lunch Detention (005) 




Obscene Gesture or Material (018) (290) (710) Describe this.

Classroom Referral or LD 



Profanity (210) 

Be sure to include the profane word(s) you heard in the referral description.

Classroom Referral 

LD or OCI 


Inappropriate Use of computers Describe this. 

Classroom Referral 




Disruptive conduct is defined as those activities engaged in by student(s) which are directed against persons or property, and the consequences of which tend to endanger the health or safety of oneself or others in the school. Some instances of disruptive conduct may overlap certain criminal offenses, justifying both administrative sanctions and court proceedings. Behavioral misconduct (Level I) may be reclassified as insubordination (Level II) if it occurs three or more times. The Provisions of this regulation apply not only to within-school activities, but also to student conduct on school transportation vehicles, and during other school-sponsored activities.








Disrupting/Misconduct in OCI (007) 




Failure to Disperse During A 

Fight/Interference with Breaking Up A Fight/Standing on Tables During a Fight (017)


Up to 3 days


3-10 days


(Recommend Expulsion)

Hit/Kick/Push (including horseplay) 


Up to 3 days


3-10 days


(Recommend Expulsion)


(Any fight may result in charges by the Sheriff’s Department.) (009) Only Use the name of the student whose referral is being written.


3-10 days 

and/or RE


(Recommend Expulsion)

Fire Alarm Violation 

(The Sheriff's Office will be notified.) (350)

OSS 5 days 


Gambling (630) 




Forgery Level II of an official document such as a doctor's note




Inappropriate/Dangerous Behavior (017) (025) 

Describe the behavior and use this when there are multiple offenses, but elaborate on each one in the description.

OSS- Up to 10 days and/or RE

Inappropriate Use of Computers 

Be specific–This might be for inappropriate sites. 

(The Sheriff's Office may be notified.) (220)

Restriction Or loss of computer privileges

Instigation of A Fight Be sure to use the definitions in the Agenda to describe this. (The Sheriff's Office may be notified.) (407)


Up to 2 days


Up to 5 days


Insubordination/Defiant (270) 

This is for administration. Other staff will use disobedience

OSS- Up to 10 Days and/or RE

Illegal Use of Computers Be specific. This might be for threats or cyber bullying 

(The Sheriff's Office may be notified.) (220)

OSS up to 10 days/ RE 

Restriction Or loss of computer privileges

Leaving Campus Without Permission (310) 



Up to 3 days


Up to 10 days

Obscene Gesture to Faculty/Staff (290) Describe the gesture in detail.

OSS- Up to 10 days and/or RE

Profanity/Racial Remarks to A Student Or Faculty/Staff Member (210) 

Be sure to include the profane word(s)/racial remarks in the description.

Classroom or Administrative 

Referral will be OCI or OSS

OSS- Up to 10 Days and/or RE

Smoking/Tobacco /Electronic 

Cigarettes/Tobacco Substitutes/Vapor 

Devices, etc. Violations Including Possession of Matches/ Lighters 

(The Sheriff's Office will be notified.) (230)

OCI  2 days 



OSS up to 3 days

Transporting Another Student Off Campus Without Permission 

(The Sheriff's Office will be notified.)).


Up to 3 days


Up to 5 days

OSS Up to 10 days and/or RE

Trespassing (The Sheriff’s Office will be notified) LPA students may not be on another school campus without prior authorization. 


OSS 2 days 



Criminal conduct is defined as those activities engaged in by student(s) which result in violence to oneself or another person property or which pose a direct and serious threat to the safety of oneself or others in the school. When School officials have a reasonable belief that students have engaged in such activities, then these activities usually require administrative actions which result in the immediate removal of the student from the school, the intervention of the School Resource Officer or other local law enforcement authorities, and/or action by 

the local school boards. The Provisions of this regulation apply not only to within-school activities, but also to student conduct on school transportation vehicles, and during other school-sponsored activities. 



Disturbing School Operations This is an administrative decision. 

(Sheriff’s Office will be notified) (560)


Up to 10 days and/or RE

Fireworks/Explosive/Devices/Stink Bombs/Arson (Possession and/or discharging at school or at a school activity -Sheriff’s Office will be notified). (010) (500)


Up to 10 days 

and/or RE


(Recommend Expulsion)

Indecent Exposure 

(Sheriff’s Office may be notified). (019)


Up to 10 days and/or RE

Physical Abuse of a Student /Faculty/Staff Member (Sheriff’s Office will be notified). (520)

OSS- Up to 10 days and/or RE

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 

(The Sheriff's Office will be notified.) (580)


Up to 10 days 


Sexual Harassment/Sexual Misconduct 

(The Sheriff's Office will be notified). (013) (022) (690)

OSS- Up to 10 days and/or RE


(Students will be required to pay for or replace the item(s). Sheriff’s Office may be notified). (670)

OSS- Up to 10 days and/or RE

Threatening, Bullying, Harassing or Intimidating A Student, Faculty or Staff Member (including electronic offenses) (Sheriff’s Office may be notified). (012) (650) (651) (652) (027)

OSS- Up to 10 days and/or RE

Vandalism (Students will be required to pay for or replace the item(s) -Sheriff’s Office will be notified). (760)

OSS- Up to 10 days and/or RE

Weapons Violation 

(Possession or use of a firearm or facsimile, or threatening to use any instrument as a weapon - Sheriff’s Office will be notified). (789)